What You Need to Do Before Moving In

What You Need to Do Before Moving In

Congratulations! You've finally made it through the closing, and the keys to your new home are now in your possession. While the stressful parts of the home-buying process are finally over, there is still a final step: the big move.
To minimize issues, preparing for a move should actually start about 4 to 6 weeks before your target move-in date. Even then, coordinating the logistics of a move can be challenging even for the most organized planner. With so many different pieces, it's easy to see how things can slip through the cracks. If you have an upcoming move, we've compiled some tips and reminders to help you lead up to the big day.

Start Making Lists

The process of moving is comprised of dozens of smaller tasks. It can be nearly impossible to remember everything without making notes. As a result, it's a good idea to get in the habit of creating lists. Starting a rolling to-do list will allow you to quickly document action items when they pop into your mind and can help ensure you don't forget anything.

Find a Moving Company

Choosing a moving company and scheduling your move is a big step. Once complete, it can feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders. However, selecting a moving company is no easy task. Moving companies vary in terms of reliability and pricing. You'll want to do a good bit of online research before selecting your moving partner. Ask for references from friends, family, or neighbors. Once you've found a few candidates, ask for a quote or estimate so you can price shop.

Measure Your New Home

Prior to moving, you should spend some time thinking about where you'll be placing your furniture and belongings in your new home. You also need to figure out if you'll need anything new. Be sure to measure all of the dimensions of your new home.

Manage Your Utilities

A week or two before your move, you should contact each of your utility companies to determine the next steps. Regardless of whether you're transferring or discontinuing service, you'll want to let each company know your moving dates to prevent billing issues or interruptions in service.

Forward Your Mail

With so much going on, the last thing you want to worry about during the moving process is missing an important piece of mail. Luckily, the post office offers an easy way to change your permanent address online. Visit USPS.com and follow the instructions for updating your address and selecting the day you'd like to start receiving mail at your new home.

Get Rid of Junk

One of the best ways to make moving easier is to cut down your clutter. Getting rid of junk ultimately means you'll have less stuff to move. Beginning a month or two before your move, go through all of your stuff and start creating piles of things that can go. Then take a trip to your local thrift store and donate what you can. There is no better time to downsize than right before an upcoming move.

Pack Each Day

Waiting until the last minute to pack can create unnecessary stress. Instead, start packing a couple of months ahead of time and make it a point to pack each day. Start with the attic and basement and prioritize things you can live without. Save the essentials, like kitchenware and towels, for the very end.
Moving can often be a stressful event, but planning can help make the process easy and enjoyable for you and your family.

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